Oil & Gas
R&D institutes

Software R&D
Mechanics R&D
Electronics R&D
Research & Feasibility studies
Corrosion consultancy
Test & Prototype development
Technology assessment

Java, JavaScript, C, C++, C#, Python, MATLAB
all NDT methods
Embedded (FPGA) design
Corrosion expertise
Sensor technology
Industrial automation

After an introductory meeting we can provide a quote for a preliminary research study. The goal of this study is to gain an insight into the specifications, the costs and possible bottlenecks of different solutions. Based on the preliminary research we can then choose the optimal solution together. In the meantime, we put together a team consisting of Somatidio employees, freelancers and, on request, your own personnel. Then we get to work. During the project period we will stay in regular contact, so you can keep a close eye on project progress and we can tackle problems together when they arise.
Somatidio uses as many off-the-shelf components as possible when developing new systems but we have everything required in-house to design or modify your system in any way you like.
Where we work: Oil & Gas, Automotive, Construction, R&D institues, Offshore, Environmental technology, Aerospace.
What we do: Software R&D, Mechanics R&D, Electronics R&D, Research & Feasibility studies, Corrosion consultancy, Test & Prototype development.
What we know: LabVIEW en many other programming languages, all NDT methods, Embedded (FPGA) design, (Geo)physics, Data-processing, Data-mining, Data-imaging, Corrosion expertise, Sensor technology, Industrial automation.
We are endlessly curious and continue to broaden our knowledge and capabilities. Do you want to know if we can execute your project? Please contact us!